Our Process Ensures Quality

ON TARGET clients can submit their project for a quote online or through their dedicated Project Manager.


Once a Project Manager receives a clients quote submission, the project is run first through SDL Studio, our computer-assisted translation software. As the software identifies previously translated words or phrases, these are added to the linguists workflow for review instead of translation, thereby reducing costs.

Depending on the type of document and project size and scope, the Project Manager may further reduce costs by running the material through Systrans system Pure Neural Machine Translation or Studios Adaptative Machine Translation engine. The document still requires review from a human editor, but translation costs are minimized.

Repetitive documents or documents very technical in nature are great candidates for fully-edited Machine Translation. Marketing documents, on the other hand, and because of their strategic value, require localization and/or transcreation of text and visuals.

Once the mechanized portion is complete, a Project Manager will select the required team of linguists and editors based on price and subject matter expertise, and taking into consideration a clients desired quality standards versus their price expectations. An internal memo, as one example, would follow a different process than would a medical white paper.

When the translators and editors are selected and committed to the project, the quote goes back to the client for approval. Upon approval, ON TARGET's automated workflow begins immediately, always under the watchful eye of the Project Manager.

Leveraging Translation Project Management Technology

Automation has made our lives easier in countless ways. With automated banking, as one example, we don’t have to physically deposit our pay checks anymore. We can set up automated bill payments for regular monthly amounts. The goal is to reduce the stress and time involved with any repetitive task.

Translation can involve many repetitive tasks, as well. Automation can save clients time and money if done properly, and ON TARGET is proud to equip our Project Managers with the best tool out there to eliminate redundancies: SDL Studio.

Our automated workflow also ensures that your translation project meets our high Quality Assurance standards. Branding consistency is important, too; with the ON TARGET Translation Memory, your message is the same throughout all translated material. Finally, the translated work automatically routes to an editor for additional review, once translators complete their tasks.

Less risk, less time, less stress and less related costs… the benefits of the ON TARGET automation process and workflow ensure very satisfied clients. Even if the individuals working on the project change, the process and quality results are not jeopardized. We’ve got your back!

SDL Studio helps ON TARGET Project Managers meet tight deadlines by automating the project management process from initial quote to end delivery. It ensures a perfect flow of data between departments, avoiding potential human errors that can cost time and money to correct.