Montreal-based Startup AIFRED HEALTH wins the On Target Translation Giveaway
Montreal, November 13, 2018 — Aifred Health, a Montreal-based startup pioneering research in Artificial Intelligence applications in mental healthcare, has won the ON TARGET Translation for Startups Giveaway. As the first-prize winner, Aifred will receive a package of 20,000 words translated in their choice of French, English, Chinese or Spanish, a prize valued at US$4,000.
"Contest winner Sonia Israel, co-founder and Director of Scientific Partnerships at Aifred Health, learned of the contest through Centech's Medtech Acceleration program. She is delighted to have the opportunity to work with On Target Translation to augment the accessibility of their text materials in Aifred's mission: "The inability to predict any given individual's unique response to psychiatric treatment is a major hurdle to recovery from mental health conditions. To tackle this challenge, Aifred is developing deep-learning based clinical decision tools for physicians, to bring personalized medicine to psychiatry. Our team of neuroscientists, psychiatrists and computer scientists is leveraging the collective intelligence of the scientific and medical communities to bring better healthcare to all. Right now, we are focusing on depression, but we plan to scale Aifred to encompass all mental health conditions in order to amplify its clinical utility."
On Target Translation is up to the task. "When we decided to target specific niche markets in the startup ecosystem, we immediately chose to embrace Artificial Intelligence and become experts in translating its concepts. Hence, we have acquired the right AI reference material and are using the best neural translation tool in our everyday practice," commented Sylvie Nault, Marketing Director, Canadian Division at On Target Translation (OTT).
"Furthermore, OTT is very proud to contribute in their own way to such a great endeavour since, according to the World Health Organisation, depression is the largest cause of disability worldwide"1. This year's World Mental Health Day was notably consecrated to youth: one in five young people will experience a mental health problem this year and 50% of all mental health conditions arise at age 14. Most cases are, however, undetected and untreated2."
On Target Translation is looking forward to collaborating with the Aifred Health team; the translation of clinical guides, questionnaires and other documents intended for physicians into numerous languages is planned.
About On Target Translation
Founded in Paris in 2017, On Target Translation specializes in English, French, Spanish and Chinese translations for the Artificial Intelligence, Travel, Advertising, Communication, Energy, Environment, and Consumer Products industries. Visit us on www.ontargetranslation.com.
For More Information
Sylvie Nault, On Target Translation, Montréal - sylvie.nault@ontargettranslation.com (438) 333-5887, 1-888-512-5306, p. 103
Sonia Israel, Cofondatrice, Aifred Health, Montréal - sonia@aifredhealth.com
1 Depression", In: World Health Organization [online], March 22, 2018, accessed on October 28, 2018, link accessible here: http://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression
2 Guterres, António. "Message for International Observance", In: United Nations [online], October 8, 2018, accessed on October 28, 2018, link here: https://www.un.org/press/en/2018/sgsm19283.doc.htm
Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal. "Santé mentale : En chiffres ", 2018, accessed on October 28, 2018, link accessible here: http://www.iusmm.ca/hopital/sante-mentale/en-chiffres.html